Dr. Robert Schuller, international motivator, author and speaker once sat across the desk from Phillip Johnson a renowned architect. He had a dream he wanted to share with the Architect. He wanted him to design a church building that would be an all glass structure. An edifice? “That is impossible” Mr. Johnson replied without hesitation.
It is not possible. Then, Dr. Schuller handed him a small dictionary, and told him to look up the meaning of the word “impossible”. Phillip Johnson was startled. But to his shock, Mr. Johnson saw that someone had cut out the word impossible from that dictionary with a razor.
That is right said Dr. Schuller. “The word impossible does not exist in my vocabulary. It can only be found in the dictionary of fools”. It was a gag, but Mr. Johnson got the message, and Johnson went ahead to design what is now one of the world’s most beautiful cathedrals – the Crystal Cathedral in Santa Ana, in California, USA, which was dedicated in September 1980. There is a biblical dimension to what Dr. Schuller had done in Mark 9:23; Jesus said unto him, “if thou can believe all things are possible to him that believeth”. It was a gathering of great minds. Scientist and Engineers from all over the world at a conference in England.
When it was all said and done, a communiqué was issued the content? It stated emphatically that man would never be able to build a machine that would fly in the sky. Co-incidentally, while the conference was in session, the Wright brothers were building the first aircraft.
We know too well which side won. The skies are filled today with crafts that fly. Some of them so huge even the Wright brothers would marvel. All things are possible to him that believes. The word “impossible” is a dangerous word. It is like a computer virus. It jams our mental system and blinds us to the possibility of breakthroughs. We must avoid that word like a plague, because in reality, nothing is impossible with God.
A man came to Jesus, requesting that Jesus should come and heal his daughter. But on their way to his house, this man received the news that his daughter was dead. “Do not trouble the master anymore”, he was advised. But Christ looked at him and said; “Be not afraid, only believe”. And we know what happened latter. For us humans, the death of anything or anyone is a terminal situation. But Jesus taught this man, that with God, nothing should be impossible.
There is no situation God cannot turn around, if we believe. Jesus raised Jairus daughter from the dead. I asked you today, which situation have you considered impossible in your life? Is it the restoration of your marriage? Is it your desire for education attainment? Is it the possibility of rising in business again? Is it the sudden retrenchment, which seems to do the final blow assault on your career? Please remember: there is no such thing as impossibility with God. Faith is the power that will free you to succeed in spite of all odds.
I want you to really think about that. Now, how do we acquire this faith? Romans 10:17 say Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Simply put, faith is created when any particular thought enters your heart. From that moment, spiritual power is released to turn that thought into its physical equivalent. Any thought that is consistently considered by the mind will eventually enter the heart. When it enters the heart, faith is born. This is what happens when we meditate on God’s word on any subject.
After period of meditation, the word enters our heart, and creates faith. We become convinced of the reality of what we want from God and begin to confess that it is done then a miracle is in the making. I challenged today, dare to believe God and miracles will happen in your life. It is not too late for God to restore your marriage. I heard recently of a marriage that was restored after twenty-four years of separation. God will do your own. Go ahead and apply for that admission. You may not know how, but God will supply the money you need. Dare to take that step.
Apply for the job. Start that business. Claim your healing. God will make a way for you. Miracles will happen on your behalf in Jesus name. I offer myself as an example. I wanted to teach scriptural success principles on radio, but I didn’t have the money. But I made the move.
I wrote the amount on paper, and stick it on the wall in my bedroom. Everyday, I prayed with my wife over it. Then suddenly, something gave way, and the program took off. We have kept the programme on air till date because I dare to believe. Your breakthroughs are waiting for you when you dare. You will succeed!
Sam Adeyemi